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Everything posted by Chefkoch

  1. Sitting at the airport and waiting for my flight to Bangkok.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chefkoch


      Sure, will message you my Line Id

    3. rouke


      Chefkoch, enjoy your holiday in LOS, please provide lots of trip report and if possible pics of lovely ladyboys you meet (provided they are not camera shy)

    4. Chefkoch


      I haven't even finished my last TR.

  2. And again Germany beats England in Penaltykick! Another great day in Paradise.

  3. Oh Boy 2days in Pattaya and i am only doing 3somes

    1. garrydirty


      lucky fecker enjoy yourself 555

    2. Chefkoch


      i don't even want that, but i am weak. Nearly said yes to a 4some, but the third girl was not my type.

    3. silentmoebius78


      I am sure, the girls beat you to threesomes.. Have a good time!! I know I would..

  4. Finished my work, tomorrow up to Bangkok

    1. garrydirty


      have a good one

    2. Chefkoch


      Thanks, Bangkok nearly finished, next stop Siem reap.

  5. Sitting in Mister Donut ground floor of central, a young LB working behind the counter.

  6. Fuck need to finish my work until tommorow evening or my trip could be in jeopardy. Open end tommorow.

    1. stallion79


      You gonna make it???

    2. Chefkoch


      Yes important stuff is finished, only some details i have to take care.

  7. No money, no problem. If i can finish my project in 3weeks, then 28.11 Pattaya i'm back

  8. Hallelujah I can walk again. Draft of my TR of 2015 is finished

    1. soju2012


      2015 and just finished. Must be a doozy. Look forward to reading it.

    2. Chefkoch


      Yeah i know, but the TR2016 should soon follow after that.

  9. Now that i have ruptured my achilles, maybe i will write the trip reports of my two trips

    1. kathoeyfan


      Yikes! Hope for a fast recovery and a TR would be a good way to fill the time.

    2. Zoonie the Lazoon

      Zoonie the Lazoon

      Wow...so painful! I know from similar experience. You won't be going anywhere quick for the next few weeks so a TR seems like an excellent idea. Look forward to it!

  10. Have started my trip, first stop tomorow Singapore

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