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Status Updates posted by splasher

  1. Greetings fellows . I am working on my next trip. I have a combodian couple I have befriended recently they invite me to go with them to Cambodia this fall. Don,t know if I should consider .how's the LB action down there?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashoka


      yes and it is dirt cheap compared to bangkok or even pattaya.. ST's for $5-10 a pop.. sometimes even less.

    3. Darkside Apprentice

      Darkside Apprentice

      Go for it Splasher, get out there, use your connections while you can.

    4. splasher


      Thanks for the advice. Sorry for the late reply. One good thing about this trip if I make it , I'll be saving on hotel bills.

  2. haven't been able to log on lately. Been very busy... trying to assemble the time and funds for my next trip ;hopefully in the fall. Carry on Lads!

    1. icebergjr.


      Assemble that time and get those funds right an I'll see you in October,hope this gives you a little insentive.

    2. splasher


      Kudos! Iceberg. Good looking out

      Hope everything is well on your side.


    3. splasher


      Heading down to Florida this week to relocate my mom. Any action in the Fort lauderdale area?

      I'm considering Backpage listings,but ain't tried that before.


  3. Greetings to all members. I have away from the board for quite sometimes . Now that summer is over,I hope to be back to my old routine. Last time I was here I mentioned a possible trip to Cambodia. It' s still on only now we're shooting for July. I hope all is well with everyone and glad to be back

    1. Darkside Apprentice

      Darkside Apprentice

      Good to see you back.

    2. luv u long time

      luv u long time

      Great to see you back. Cambo is a blast mate. Get yourself over there mate. Hope you are well

    3. splasher


      Been thinking a lot about bkk lately cause of the flood situation. I had a great time when I was there. I hope folks make out alright. I missed the place.

      And thanks Darkside and lLULT. I gotta lot of catching up to do... Still getting used to accessing this site on my iPad. Kinda change my Internet browsing habits.

  4. Thanks for adding me as a friend!

  5. Likewise thanks!

  6. Thanks, also, for adding me as a friend. Have enjoyed reading of your exploits. I'm off to Brazil next week for some of my own.

  7. Wanna wish everyone at ladyboys Pattaya a Happy and prosperous New Year. Kudos to the administrators for keeping this site one of the best forums on the net.

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