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Everything posted by transgirls

  1. today I posted again my appreciation for Antartico's superhuman contributions, I was surprised to be met with "your post needs to be approved by a moderator". anyone else in the same boat ?
  2. point one? privacy? no personal information is disclosed... the "ignore" setting belongs to the other members, 555 !!
  3. After repeatedly seeing posts by people irritated by some of the forum's resident flamers and trollers, I had an idea regarding the ignore function. Wouldn't it be great if: - the small forum infobox displayed on the left of every post would display something like "ignored by X members", where X is the number of members that have put him on ignore - the ignored member also loses access to any posts made by the member putting him on ignore - ignore carries over in quoted messages, i.e. no message is shown if someone else quotes the ignored member, and reciprocally own posts are not shown to the ignored member maybe IPB has a module for this?
  4. After a hiatus of 2 years, I'm back in the world of ladyboys! Beware.... 5555

  5. When I am trying to use the text-only mode of the wysiwyg editor, I can't post, the reason returned is that my post is empty.
  6. maybe the issue has not been completely resolved and they are still working on details and will post a complete heads up later. techies are usually not too good at PR and people skills. the same strongly applies to me.
  7. I think your message is a bit harsh. The site is provided free of charge, plus the problem has been fixed. So thank you to whoever fixed the issue.
  8. There are several possibilities why the problems appeared just now: - if you have any security software set to auto-update, there might have been a change without you noticing (my laptop powers up by itself in the night to update) - a change at server or website level can explain the sudden appearance of problems - if a fix has been applied to solve the search problem, the fix might also have broken other things. See my above post to know why this can be a bitch to diagnose. BTW, I forgot browser incompatibilities in the list. Regarding speed: - you won't have the same speed to all servers. some I can only access with 20kb/s inspite of having a 20Mbits connection. Depends on the routing and the servers in between. Regarding your current problems, my money is on coding incoherences in the (custom) template and possibly modules of IPB. But I repeat these are tricky, and browsers are known to play up like divas with javascript issues, so I'm in no way blaming anyone, these things can happen. Similar shit happened to me and I have spent 90 hours straight working on it before solving the problem. :-(
  9. Could be due to a number of causes - without knowing the exact range of software you are using, it will be very difficult to answer. One possibility is that you use a firewall/antivirus/behavioral shield that uses "website reputation" or "keyword-based filtering" which prevents loading some of the javascript when the websites test positive on porn keywords. Another possibility is different routings for LBP and for Thaivisa, one being slow and the other faster. You say the same script is used by Thaivisa and LBP - which is probably not accurate. The forums have different modules installed, maybe use different subversions, and use different templates, and possibly include different javascript libraries or different versions thereof. Also, the page might load different components depending on client browser, version, OS, language, location, IP, ISP, referrer, template, etc. If two javascripts use the same variable name or function, it can have unpredictable effects and is very tricky to diagnose. Also, poorly coded templates can cause that type of error, especially on slower connections, because some javascript will expect HTML objects to exist beforehand, but in some cases the javascript loads before the HTML object and can't execute properly. Other differences might be in the HTML Doctype, which changes how the browser interprets the page code and how the DOM gets accessed. Some browsers are more anal about small mistakes than others (but this probably doesn't apply in your case). Another problem might be caused by your ISP if your IP is dynamically renewed for each request. If the forum has a security feature enabled to match the session cookie with the client IP, the page load might be disrupted, some parts loading, others not. ... there might be other reasons I didn't even think of, but bottom line is that your problem is tricky to nail.
  10. and here is the adobe flash player diagnostics page: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html
  11. go to this page and post the table here: http://www.rcrt.co.u...cripttester.jsp (using Firefox of course)
  12. What does firefox say about it's version? top left "firefox" -> help -> about Firefox I get 14.0.1 "firefox is up to date" And under Firefox -> add-ons -> plugins -> Shockwave Flash? I have 11.3.300.270 Do you have any protection plugins installed?
  13. that's quite puzzling - many of the issues you report seem to be javascript-related, yet the upload is a flash component. I would try the following: - make sure your browser is set to execute javascript and that your antivirus or other protection software is not blocking javascript - update the flash player - update the browser
  14. kinda javascript related, it's AJAX, i.e. javascript retrieves content asynchronously and fills it into existing HTML containers once the content has loaded. Your problem is probably caused by slow internet connection, however I have also witnessed that the component you mention sometimes simply refuses to load, which might be caused by conflicts in javascript function or variable naming and/or HTML container naming on the page. P.S. saying windows is shit became out of trend, because Win 7 is actually pretty good.
  15. advanced forum search is broken for me. It returns: Fatal error: Call to undefined method IPSText::urldecode_furlSafe() in /data/home/island/www.ladyboyspattaya.com/www/admin/applications/core/modules_public/search/search.php on line 532
  16. Holy shit - got bitten by a gecko a week ago when cleaning chin jop shit, and the wound is still infected! the little bastards not only shit everywhere but also bite!

    1. Bax


      not to mention the endless Geico commercials..

    2. Captain Pugwash

      Captain Pugwash

      yep those Geckos will have your hand off faster than a croc, nasty beasts....

    3. Beauty's Beast

      Beauty's Beast

      Try getting bitten by a dtukger, one of the big 30 cm buggers. They can turn you into a post-op for free. 555

  17. this thread for example (but I have come across some more): http://www.ladyboyspattaya.com/topic/10688-random-bangkok-pics
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