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Everything posted by danthepoolman

  1. Home for 2 days and I'm already planning my next trip.....

    1. snoop-dawg


      That sounds familiar! :]

  2. Charged for an awesome last night in Los!!!

    1. Beauty's Beast
    2. danthepoolman


      Sorry huck.... La bamba and Annaconda tonight if this bloody rain ever stops :)

  3. Starting to forgot what it is I want in life? My head hurts, I'm confused and home sick so I'm going to get drunk.....Problems solved!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. icebergjr.


      Dan, I've never been homesick and have only travelled overseas 8 times but everytime I did it was better than home!5555(:

    3. deepthroat


      Trust me, forget feeling homesick - when you get home you'll kick yourself for giving it a moments thought while you were in paradise. Plenty of time to be LOS sick when you're back home, but there's not enough time in LOS to be homesick! :)

    4. deepthroat


      Also know that first trips rarely live up to our expectations, and the whole learning curve can be a real bitch. 2nd and 3rd trips are when it starts to get REALLY fun!

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