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Everything posted by jimbo34

  1. Keith's Birthday Party will now be on Friday 30th Oct at Sweethearts

    1. icebergjr.


      Wish I could be there, Keith is a great guy!

  2. Big Boss's Birthday Party - Sweethearts Bar Sat 26th Sept

  3. Sweethearts Bar - Sat 22nd Aug,

    Rose's Birthday

  4. Sweethearts Bar - saturday 25th July - Grand Opening Party

  5. Aor's Birthday - this Sunday Dec 1st.At Sweethearts Bar

    No live music, i've been promised!

  6. Cabaret & Lesbian show night -

    Sat 19th October at Sweethearts Bar

    1. mv12345


      thank you for the heads up . I come up to Pattaya 6-7 times a year and would really appreciate these messages so i know where to go .Matt

  7. Em & Rose Birthday Party - sat 23rd Feb - TJ's Bar, starts 8 pm

  8. Jimbo's 65th Birthday - weds 26th December at TJ's Bar

    1. snoop-dawg


      65th? And all the rest!!!

  9. Deedee's Birthday - TJ's Bar Saturday 15th December

  10. Recapturing Table 1, this Friday at TJ's Bar 21.00 hours

  11. Skool Night this saturday 20th Oct at TJ's

  12. ok josh, look forward to seeing you

  13. Bikini/birthday party will now be held Sat 30th June

  14. Bikini Party at TJ's Fri 22nd June

    1. Botafogo


      You seem to have one those virtually every night, at last an official announcement.....Lol.

    2. jimbo34


      The party's been put back to saturday 30th - for reasons i don't quite understand, but never mind - there'll be a few BMs in town that weekend.

  15. Noo's Birthday Party - Fri 1st June, starts 8 p.m.

  16. Welcome Party - thurs Oct 5th

  17. Would somebody please SHUT HIM THE FUCK UP !

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. jimbo34
    3. jimbo34


      FFS - now there's some russian Spam showing up!

      Kendooo.......hoover please !

    4. jimbo34


      Ah, well done Alex P. Nice neat hoovering, well done!

  18. Just used a "Like", and it seems my "quota" has been used up?!? WTF is going on?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      New feature: Every time you feel grumpy, you lose one of your daily "Like" quota

    3. outsider


      If thats the case, it may take Jimbo a few months off the forum to get a positive count back again

    4. kathoeyfan


      have that at times too. normally when running through the archive of older content

  19. Just used a single "Like" and not allowed to use any more !?! Seems my q

  20. Can't post. Is there a technical glitch now?

    1. outsider


      damn, didnt see your update jim. but when i put mine up it still said "action failed"

    2. jimbo34


      It pisses me off mightily when i compose a lengthy response to a thread just to have it fail! Nearly threw the laptop into the jungle!

    3. outsider


      if you do that, jimbo, then all the bush bunnies will be on TF

  21. Murder in Phuket

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Leftyrighty


      is he thai? a funeral might be a two week drink/gamble fest until 7am nightly, perhaps the power saw will be over within two weeks.

    3. terry
    4. jimbo34


      Leftyrighty: 'coiurse he's not thai ! You should know thais don't "do" work! He's Myanmar, so presumably they just put his body in a boat and push it out to sea.

      Luckily the little bleeder seems to have stopped now, so i can ENJOY CHRISTMAS and BIRTHDAY !

  22. Hey Jim,

    Ive just put up my first post mentioning that ill be heading over to Patong from May 14-21. I'd love to make your acquaintance and grab you a beer or two since im def. a fan of your knowledge and it seems you are more than happy to help a fellow monger out.

    Not quite sure where C&D is exactly but ill look through the posts or you could help me out.

  23. Hi Jumbo,

    I will be arriving in phuket on the 15/4 and would like to buy u a beer and get some Cialis 10mg , do u stock them ?

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