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petesie last won the day on July 18

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78,236 Glorious

About petesie

  • Rank
    LB Connoisseur
  • Birthday November 23

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  • Interests
    A wee dog & some fish, guitars & amps

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  1. Hello Pete, I might be too late here, but if not can I stand a round for the birthday girl, your staff team and good self. I can transfer the bill money via Paypal immediately. I have done it once before for staff at Delirious, and wouldn't mess you about pal. Merc !

  2. Hi Peter,

    I see on the site that I'm a member+ now. What does that mean? Can I see the files now? :)

    Grtz, Floop

  3. Advanced member thread building section...
  4. Good to see you last night and explain a little about me acting like a twat lol . 

  5. please approve my account please

  6. Peter, Had problem with Paypal, so sent T/Baht 2,000 with Transferwise to account of New at Kasikornbank. Should be in her account on 07th December. From Bruce Kaye -Murray (Me )

    Use as you will . Regards dannymurray

  7. Peter Tam here how you doing

  8. Whats the best way to send you money to help support the girls during this trying time?

  9. Post a few times mate and you will be fine.
  10. Hi petesie , im sorry to use this way but I have a problem again with Thai Friendly and I am very bad with tech stuff b/c of my disability . I was in Switzerland , now back in  Pattaya and for the 4 time I have no access to TF. Why again ? Please help me , what can I do to get it back and that it does not happen again. Do others have that problem as well ? Tank U .  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fenton


      If you haven't paid a subscription fee, open up another account? maybe that is the quickest solution to your problem.

    3. BenZim


      Thank U both . I will try a new one  , again . Smh  

    4. marty14


      Just made three new ones....lol. Use new email and if you can use VPN (with three different countries). Worked for me. My old account (used that as a non premium for nearly 3 years suddenly got only premium-messages on all girls and on about 60% of the ladyboys so it was time to dump that one. Now have a stock of three ...lol

  11. Hi pete hope you don’t mind me pm you I remember you talking about buying watches a while ago and I can’t find the feed . I’m staying on second road at the moment so any info would be appreciated. Cheers George 

    1. petesie


      It's at the end of Buakhow next to Klang; she won't have many in but can order if you have the time.

  12. Appreciate it LJ

  13. It'll take them years to figure out what ST/LT actually means...
  14. Put yer text for the post in then; Select more reply options Select choose file Select pic and choose Select attach this file Position cursor where you want pic to appear Select add to post Press submit post Nuff said
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