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Status Replies posted by garrydirty

  1. Getting stoked for The Dark Knight Rises on July 20. Already have my ticket for a showing at an Imax Theater the first day. Something like 1/3 or more of the film was shot in native Imax!

  2. Jen and I now live together. Happily so far. Perhaps that's enough.

  3. I just found out through the grapevine that Fie is with my 'sister', I hope its just wine and chocolates or hes a dead man :)

  4. how is a man supposed to get a living, trying to sell summer goods in this weather!!!

  5. 46 years ago, I came out "kicking and screaming" from my Mom! It's been a great ride so far and can't wait for more experiences in Thailand!I'll see ya guys in 3 months and I know it's going to be a great time!

  6. On kayak today royal Brunei flying November from Lhr-bkk GBP 380

  7. All booked for November!! rumor has it, there's a party on the 4th... hummmm

  8. theyre selling condoms at the £1 shop now-would you trust them ?

  9. theyre selling condoms at the £1 shop now-would you trust them ?

  10. Less than 2 days and I'll be in Bangkok. Hope to meet up with some of you ugly motherfuckers (of course my vulgar experssion is a term of endearment 55555). Cheers to all.

  11. November's gonna be good

  12. Did i borrow any money from any one last night? LOL

  13. Did i borrow any money from any one last night? LOL

  14. Gary is fucking too dirty he even shagged a camel last night.......

  15. been a very busy 24 hours on here in LB land, time for bed, I'm knakcered!

  16. Had Nany from Baby Boom last night lovely girl.... will go back for 2nds

  17. how do i get to advanced

  18. wheres jason bourne lately?

  19. Be leaving for airport in one hour!!! LOS here i come...

  20. Be leaving for airport in one hour!!! LOS here i come...

  21. fucked about by fem-boy from Bangkok!!! am not going to Bangers now for 3days going straight to Patts on 22nd May instead, stupid when they start to play games!! i just move on many more fish in the sea, so Patts on the 22nd cant wait!!

  22. fucked about by fem-boy from Bangkok!!! am not going to Bangers now for 3days going straight to Patts on 22nd May instead, stupid when they start to play games!! i just move on many more fish in the sea, so Patts on the 22nd cant wait!!

  23. fucked about by fem-boy from Bangkok!!! am not going to Bangers now for 3days going straight to Patts on 22nd May instead, stupid when they start to play games!! i just move on many more fish in the sea, so Patts on the 22nd cant wait!!

  24. fucked about by fem-boy from Bangkok!!! am not going to Bangers now for 3days going straight to Patts on 22nd May instead, stupid when they start to play games!! i just move on many more fish in the sea, so Patts on the 22nd cant wait!!

  25. fucked about by fem-boy from Bangkok!!! am not going to Bangers now for 3days going straight to Patts on 22nd May instead, stupid when they start to play games!! i just move on many more fish in the sea, so Patts on the 22nd cant wait!!

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