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Status Updates posted by Jimmy_Lovepants

  1. less than 50 days to go.....Woohoo!

    1. silentmoebius78


      I have to wait an other 180 days.. Damn...

    2. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      164 for me - wish my count was the same as Jimmy's !

    3. silentmoebius78


      Mine is 182... How long will you stay Slacker??

  2. Less than a hundred days to go........

  3. Less than a hundred days to go........

    1. icebergjr.


      Lucky bastard! Have fun! Jimmy!

    2. poesface


      do by the week it does not sound so bad

  4. Let's have us a crazy night ma bitches!

  5. My boy pips are bursting....... still 6 weeks to wait.

    1. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      24 here ! I envy anyone that can take the mid-year heat.

    2. Captain Pugwash

      Captain Pugwash

      so Jimmy you are heading over when exactly? I'm trying to arrange early July

    3. Jimmy_Lovepants


      Arriving July 10 i think... A little time in Bkk then Hua Hin.

  6. My favourite jeans (very old) keep splitting but don't want to throw 'em out. My bare arse and bollocks are now hanging out of them... Should've saved that caper for when I was in LOS. :-)

    1. Jimmy_Lovepants


      501s are cool, garry.. U should have kept them. Keep wearing 'em ~ Holes and rips n all !

    2. garrydirty


      sorry JL but take a wee bit of pride in my clothing LOL

    3. HarryKane9


      my favourite jeans i have since year 2000! meantime with holes but now modern. Still can wear it with a bit work. Makes me feel young!!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  7. My Isaan girlfriend....She number one prostitute in Thailand.!

    1. kathoeyfan


      Veerrryyyy niiiiiiice (Borat?)

  8. My last 24 hours in LOS ~ And SE Asia after 5 years. Returning to a Western country where all the women (transgendered or not) have balls, cigarettes cost 20 bucks a pkt, and everyone attends compulsory cultural sensitivity workshops (run by women) ... Yay.

    1. Captain Pugwash

      Captain Pugwash

      you've exhausted the options then Jimmy? Surely there are still teaching positions in China?

    2. outsider


      $20 a pack? Its a long time since you have been home Jimmy, try $30

    3. soju2012


      Good luck Jimmy, hope to meet up again in LOS in the not too distant future.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  9. My Thai girlfriend.....She number one prostitute from Issan!

  10. Need to delete my internet search history 55555

    1. Jimmy_Lovepants


      Hmmm... I suppose 'the dog did it' lacks a certain credibility!

    2. Jazza01


      Use incognito in chrome for visiting these sorts of things. After a while it becomes habit, not fullproof but saves the history problem.

    3. American Eagle

      American Eagle

      I have a friend that let one of her FWB use her computer. Afterwards she saw he was checking out Fat Girl and Granny porn. LOL

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  11. Seriously worried..... Had my first tranny threesome today on my local patch, and while it was OK I couldn't get near to the 'wild finish' I wanted. Then minutes later went and banged a GG and finished in seconds. I feel like a traitor to the cause. Maybe I just need the experience of Thai ladyboy again ... I damn hope so.

  12. Seriously.......what the fuck did I do???

    1. Jimmy_Lovepants


      We just love trouble mate 555

    2. outsider


      Hope the trip has still been good to you even with the emotional revolving doors they put you through.

    3. Jimmy_Lovepants


      Trip over outsider. TR up now (O the infamy! yuckyuck)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  13. There's a lot of it about........

    1. Jazza01


      good to have u back on the forum! look forward to hearing some tales

    2. Jazza01


      why dont u ever clean out your inbox?

    3. Jimmy_Lovepants


      Inbox is tidied up now MUM!! :)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  14. Well that's fucking torn it..... Lost my job so Thailand here i cum !!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jimmy_Lovepants
    3. Jimmy_Lovepants


      To any LBs on the forum ~ WILL TEACH ENGLISH FOR FOOD! 555 (Well and maybe sex too ;))

    4. LWFM


      One door closes but a better door has opened. All the best Angel Eyes

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  15. What do u say when a guy at work just back from a Pattaya trip (with his wife) says the ladyboys are "prettier than the real girls" ? Disagree? Or say "Fuck yeah!" (I just says to him "Um...They're taller" Lame-O 55555

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