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Everything posted by kathoeyfan

  1. Staying High & Dry :)

  2. There was a change couple weeks back. Few threads about it. You need to post to be able to see the regular content, which you're doing
  3. Any boxing fans, Frank Bruno is at Retox on Soi Honey right now for an appearance

  4. With all the good TR's and VB pics need access to more likes!  :AngelWithStar:

  5. UFC Liverpool starting now!

    1. kathoeyfan


      Good show overall, though no matter the main event was going to be at fault

    2. soju2012


      Didn't see it but read it was a good show...other than the Till-Thompson "fight."

  6. UFC 222 starting now

  7. Power Buy on Klang is having a sidewalk clearance sale

    1. kathoeyfan


      Good for discounted appliances / tvs / fridges /etc

  8. Songkran is here! Be prepared to get wet.

    1. silentmoebius78


      Puhh.. Luckely I am not there.. Had my share 2014 and will avoid for the rest of my life..

    2. Zoonie the Lazoon

      Zoonie the Lazoon

      Fuck that for a lark!

    3. TrueBlue72


      The only time of the year I'm glad I'm not there!

  9. this rain... GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

    1. hastings


      Price you pay to live in paradise


    2. hastings


      Make that Ladyboy Paradise

  10. Love finding those 'good surprises' on a night out :)

  11. Conor McGregor retires too? 10 years younger than Kobe.

    1. Doyle Lonnegan

      Doyle Lonnegan

      yeah he got the cheese lol.


    2. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      Turns out he isn't, just had enough of whoring himself out to the media, likc Rocky in Rocky III.

    3. kathoeyfan


      Can respect his reply about the situation. It's probably all a big, genius, marketing stunt.

  12. Kobe Bryant is retired? Time sure does fly.

    1. icebergjr.


      Who?? Just kidding it has been 20 years, though! 5555 What is he like 39??

    2. kathoeyfan


      37 years old and retired. Sounds nice!

    3. icebergjr.


      Yes, it does!

  13. Batman v Superman is here!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Blodstrupmoen


      Saw it yesterday. It was ok but Ben affleck as batman? why ruin one of the coolest super heroes ever by having that twat play him?

    3. Zoonie the Lazoon

      Zoonie the Lazoon

      Went to see it today.Some OK action scenes , but overall disappointing. 5/10

    4. silentmoebius78



      Might watch this one!!

  14. Music festival messing with traffic this weekend. Closures of Soi Diana. Beach Road and Klang at certain times.

  15. Deadpool was good fun! Recommended

    1. icebergjr.


      Yes, it is a funny and action packed movie for sure!

  16. Unfortunately the stars don't always align. :(

  17. Any BMs have Powerball tickets? $1.5 billion!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kathoeyfan


      Numbers: 4 8 19 27 34 w/ red 10

    3. icebergjr.


      I have a cousin in TN and a sister in CA! The cousin confirmed not a winner I'm stil waiting to hear from my sister! LOL

    4. Jimmy_Lovepants


      I don't play the lotto ... Nice daydreaming what u would do with all that money. I guess move to LOS and buy a Lb bar! (then lose the lot 555)

  18. thank everyone for the 2k likes. will contribute more in the new year

    1. steveo941


      and over 5,000 posts, well done

    2. kathoeyfan


      Much appreciated steveo!

  19. UFC 194 ... wow

    1. Captain Pugwash

      Captain Pugwash

      it didn't last long :)

    2. soju2012


      I was wrong. McGregor is for real! Perfectly timed, wow.

  20. What happens to all the water guns after Songkran?

    1. steveo941


      LBs use them to wash there bums out

    2. garrydirty


      The arms dealer of the water pistol comes to town to buy them all up...they have a trade show in central 555

    3. LordBoy


      They melt them and make dildos and vibes out of them :)

  21. Storms expected in Patts the next few days. Bring a raincoat!

  22. Beach Road has a nice festival!

    1. garrydirty


      yes same ever Feb

    2. Jimmy_Lovepants


      Doesn't it always after about 11pm ?!

  23. Wow that's some serious rain outside!

  24. Dophin Roundabout doing consistant Alcohol blow checks. If over .50 you'll be in bad sorts. Take a motor taxi or sleep it off elsewhere.

    1. icebergjr.


      Aren't they always stopping farangs in that area? No wonder Naklua is a bit dead.


    2. kathoeyfan


      They stop for license/helmets during daytime. Night time breathalyzer checks havent seen before there. There's short cuts all around the area. just don't use the roundabout if you don't want the hassle of being stopped. The Lovely Home soi or any of the bar Sois off of Nakula road are fine

    3. icebergjr.


      Thanks for the tip, I knew I heard abou them hassling farangs at the roundabout.

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