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Thompson Twins

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Status Replies posted by Thompson Twins

  1. Lions v New Zealand 2nd Rugby Test tonight Wellington, N.Z. Kick off in 30 minutes. Go the Blacks.

    1. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins

      Get in the Lions


      Makes for a good 3rd test

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. 10 hours 'til wheels up! LOS here I come! 5555

    1. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins

      After seeing my doctor and he advised against flying. Not content with that outcome I saw the chief cardiologist consultant and unfortunately he gave me the same outcome.


      So fucking gutted man as you know I have been counting down the days.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. another failed eveningin the LB world 4th time since i been here!! the old pecker aint doing the job anymore and no matter what gel or pill i try it aint working?? maybe have to go back to GG,s WTF??

  4. ETA Oct 28, 2016

    1. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins

      Same same but four days in Bangers first

  5. low of low season" girls" are starving no money for noodle LOL

    1. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins

      Oh well I'll pack a suitcase full of pot noodles and use each one as a tip. Might even throw in a pot rice if the excell in their performance

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. I am back home now, after a big trip to LOS, in 5 weeks I actually went with 6 LBs wtf? am I a "butterfly"???? 5555 obviously not! but I had a great time!

  7. 3rd year anniversary at sensations on Friday 12th June, everyone welcome

  8. A weekend in Chiang Mai.... ive already done the night bazaar, guess i will have to check out this Marine Bar tonight that I have hear of. Any other suggestions while in town?

  9. A weekend in Chiang Mai.... ive already done the night bazaar, guess i will have to check out this Marine Bar tonight that I have hear of. Any other suggestions while in town?

  10. Great topics recently.. Any info? Where? Who? How many?

  11. A big THANK YOU to bkkldby for helping me with some travel arrangements. It's amazing that a near complete stranger will help a guy out on the strength that they both like ladyboys. Amazing LBP!

    1. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins

      But i only left Thursday 555 hope to be back soon buddy

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  12. A big THANK YOU to bkkldby for helping me with some travel arrangements. It's amazing that a near complete stranger will help a guy out on the strength that they both like ladyboys. Amazing LBP!

    1. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins

      Always great to catch up with you. You a great friend

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  13. been home barely 24 hours to find I'm being "evicted" in April, maybe I can should score a room at La Bamba? 5555

    1. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins

      GG's always cause and effect.


      Hope you find somewhere suitable and low on the coin

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  14. The Hobbit - Anyone seen it?

    1. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins

      Enjoyed the flim, as I watched yesterday. Though I feel PJ should have done it as one film and not made it out into three

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Skyfall or Silent Hill 2?

    1. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins

      Skyfall is Bond old style. Best since the early Bond movies

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. I fly out to LOS tomorrow afternoon. The biggest typhoon to hit Korea in a decade is also expected to arrive tomorrow. I've been in Korean typhoons before and they are serious shit. I hope this doesn't affect my flight.

  17. Lots of Police out near Walking Street tonight

  18. The olympic sailing results are in - Britain has taken Gold, the USA have taken Silver and Somalia have taken a middle aged couple from Weymouth

    1. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins

      Good luck to the Brazilian hurdlers, last time a Brazilian jumped a barrier in London the Police shot him

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. Oooooh!! ..... That's a very nice surprise. ..... Offer accepted thank you very much ;-)

  20. how is a man supposed to get a living, trying to sell summer goods in this weather!!!

  21. bloody Accrington Stanley!

    1. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins

      Drink your milk and grow up to be just like Ian Rush. A dirty old man with a YMCA tash.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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