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Clem Fandango

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Everything posted by Clem Fandango

  1. After saying "no" to a trip this year I have been goaded into one by a workmate (thankfully). Coincides with the LBWVB tribute period which is a bonus. Never say never...!

  2. Booked the flight, now to find an itinerary to do it proud.

  3. Don't hold your breath on this one. He thinks Putin is gonna fix a lot of problems, including ones that Putin himself created. Mental lightweight or sane genius...?
  4. Countdown has hit the 30's...time to start panicking !

    1. icebergjr.


      Me too! See ya there!

  5. Flight booked for this year's trip...cashed in a few air miles and it came to £313 !

  6. The long countdown has now shortened to a 'mere' 60 days. Time to get organised !

    1. Jimmy_Lovepants


      Lucky Phil! (That was the tagline to a very well-known Australian TV ad campaign a long time ago btw!) .. Enjoy your trip and titter ye not ! ;)

  7. Just pulled the trigger on a November flight. Now the loooong countdown !

    1. icebergjr.


      What are your dates?I'll be there from the 1st thru the 25th, hope to finally meet up for a beer or 2.


    2. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      4th-29th...a mixture of Bangkok and Pattaya with a possible side trip (undecided at the moment).

    3. silentmoebius78


      Ticket not booked yet, try to do so in 3 weeks.. Damn bills, had no chance to buy the ticket last week..

  8. 2 weeks and counting...

  9. 4 months exactly 'til 'wheels up' and what better way to spend half an hour than watching June (ex-Charade) knocking one out on a Skype video chat. The wonders of technology...!

    1. Jimmy_Lovepants


      Did the poor girl know what an absolute cad and bounder a chap is ??? 555

    2. Jimmy_Lovepants


      (I am of course referring only to your avatar/alter-ego, Slacker!)

    3. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      I think she's well aware Jimmy...

  10. Visited the Ladyboys of Bangkok show in the UK again - the closest I can get until November. Some cracking fillies in the lineup !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      Last night of the show in Brighton, so no luck. They were probably keen to pack up and celebrate. My friend's partner knows a few of them but I can't ask him as the cat will be well and truly out of the bag !

    3. garrydirty


      been in Brighton last month? u see them their? I know a few BM,s that I know that went, me too busy working however been in LOS this week!! 555

    4. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      Saw them in Brighton...and last year too ! The show is full of lowbrow fun and easy on the eye.

  11. For some peculiar reason I have been convinced, up until today, that I am flying on Friday. Just realised that it's Thursday !! Panic !!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. icebergjr.


      Get to packing you "Slacker"(pun definitely intended)5555

    3. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      I think it may be the first signs of senility settling in !

    4. Jimmy_Lovepants


      On your skates, Slacker .. Thailand beckons!

  12. Just been to see the Ladyboys of Bangkok show...that'll have to tide me over until November. Surprisingly enjoyable evening !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      No, with a gay mate...I didn't want him getting the wrong idea ! Some talent there though...apart from the local trannies !

    3. snoop-dawg


      I saw it in Sheffield just before Xmas. I really enjoyed it too.

    4. snoop-dawg
  13. Flight booked for £50 less than last year, Parinda still showing good prices...things are looking good !

    1. garrydirty


      good find got my flight cheap as well

    2. fenton


      thanks for the heads up :-)

  14. Booked my annual leave for next trip...just waiting for flight prices now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. garrydirty


      and for Pattaya?

    3. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      D Apartments are still a strong contender.

    4. SBK


      D Apartment is a prime starting spot for any Soi Bhukao crawl. Pooks, Baby Boom, Fantasy, "The bar's name I never remember but could be Bar Nicha" and then on to Sensations.

  15. Ironically, I still get updates on trending topics despite having no notifications checked.
  16. Easy on him...it's taken since Nov '10 to build up the nerve.
  17. Just booked my flight for November - £540 from Emirates.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      No, Gatwick - it's nearer to me. I'm tired of the drag across to Heathrow for EVA.

    3. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      not bad at all that, whenever I've gone LGW to BKK with Emirates, has always been around 650 quid

    4. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      I've flown with them once before and, as they are showing up among the cheapest airline for my dates, it was a done deal. 214 days planning ahead of me !


  18. 20 hours 'til blast-off...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vic Flange

      Vic Flange

      Have you got the GH2 juiced for the trip?

    3. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      GH2 and backup Canon G12...video is still a challenge though. Just checking I've got everything packed and then it's off to Heathrow...:-)

    4. Vic Flange

      Vic Flange

      Lovely stuff - good luck.

  19. I think the 3 small boxes are a basic 'loading in progress' graphic. I regularly get this, but none of your other symptoms.
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