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SecondChance@Life last won the day on July 4 2018
SecondChance@Life had the most liked content!
47 minutes ago
23 hours ago
Wednesday at 04:38
Monday at 14:35
Saturday at 14:28
January 10
The Hunt starts now...
It Has Begun.....
The Gathering is Almost Complete....The Winds of Change are Blowing...
The Winds of Change are Blowing....
Isn't that a song?
Scorpions! 55555
I smell a low-season visit brewin'
looks like "resume party" for you then
You lucky guy! I wish you'd wait 'til November! So you could meet my sibling and I when we were over there! but I'd give my left nut to be there sooner,so I understand,my friend! 5555
Can't wait till October?
On the 12 day before LOS, my LB said to me.....(fill in the blank)
LL Cool Dave
The buffalo is very sick
" You need to help my sick family....."
Clem Fandango
I need a new iPhone.
6 weeks to Shangri-La!!!
Hell Yeah!!!!
10 hrs to wheels up...
it's gonna be raining on sunday lol
I'll also be there Saturday!!
One week from Paradise!
Have fun you lucky devil!!
Third Time a Charm? Muhahahahahaha!!!
Two weeks couldn't pass quick enough....
I have given into the peer pressure from certain BMs and I am now going to back for my return voyage in October. I will put my house in order
Go for it buddy as you could do worse .
Are you going to stay for the LBWVB tourney? SC@L!
Yes. I will leave on Sunday Nov 2nd. You coming?
I Shall Return
And why not ?
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