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Status Replies posted by garrydirty

  1. changing flight may stay for 2 months instead of one

  2. Listening to a ladyboy arguing on the phone with her sponsor!! Hilarious!!!

  3. changing flight may stay for 2 months instead of one

  4. changing flight may stay for 2 months instead of one

  5. Listening to a ladyboy arguing on the phone with her sponsor!! Hilarious!!!

  6. 89 more days to go,and back in Paradise!

  7. I was eating chocolate earlier and I got some on my bed and it doesn't look one bit like chocolate.

  8. I was eating chocolate earlier and I got some on my bed and it doesn't look one bit like chocolate.

  9. 5 years on the forum today..thxs everyone for their input...heres to another 5...

  10. Well it's the 17th of the month again, which means there are only 9 more months to go before take of...;)

  11. 5 years on the forum today..thxs everyone for their input...heres to another 5...

  12. 5 years on the forum today..thxs everyone for their input...heres to another 5...

  13. 5 years on the forum today..thxs everyone for their input...heres to another 5...

  14. Another 5 day trip booked for Next month - Its going to be too short again....Hopefully I can make it.

  15. Going to get lashed up in swindon tonight

  16. Cannot believe my luck!!!!!!! Had to change sometime

  17. forgot to give stretwalker my sponser cash 4 weeks ago,better fly out and hand it to him this week , dont want to go back this quick, but I think its only fair that I bite the bullit and go back.

  18. Going to get lashed up in swindon tonight

  19. There's a lot of it about........

  20. is the thai postal service on strike? as have had boxes sitting in Bangers since the 19th June? WTF....post should arrive in UK in 10days??

  21. is the thai postal service on strike? as have had boxes sitting in Bangers since the 19th June? WTF....post should arrive in UK in 10days??

  22. is the thai postal service on strike? as have had boxes sitting in Bangers since the 19th June? WTF....post should arrive in UK in 10days??

  23. Flight and hotel booked for next trip in OCT- NOV...see you guys there..

  24. Flight and hotel booked for next trip in OCT- NOV...see you guys there..

  25. Great trip! Sucks to be back home! Nice meeting everyone, garrydirty, Solice, Paultain, Vinee, BAP, dixon cox, robb27, macdick, farang, bax, bob2011, streetwalker, josh1963, and many others. Hope to be back soon!

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