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Kendo UK

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Everything posted by Kendo UK

  1. I highly recommend the "Most Liked Content" link at the bottom of the forum. Some truly awesome photo sets in there.

    1. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      probably been there all the while but only just noticed it



      I discovered it some time ago & did not dissapointed.


    3. libero


      fantastic link, thank you

  2. kicking back for the Monaco GP

    1. yumyum


      just watched it. not very exciting, more overtaling in the indie me thinks, come on Dario

  3. great advert from Carlsberg in time for the Euros....

  4. GBP showing at 50baht to the pound for the first time in a while. Hopefully it will continue to edge up.

    1. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      I've seen it at over 50 on a few other exchange sites. Probably close to that for people on the ground?

    2. garrydirty


      I hope so have been watching it last month and has been slowly going up

    3. Robi_slo


      And EUR is going down and down thanks to our southern European friends. :(

  5. bloody Accrington Stanley!

    1. yumyum


      thought you were gonna sneak in to give us a clean sweep

    2. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      can't grumble as we had some poor results after Xmas and that's what cost us. No good going in to the last day hoping other results go our way. Just annoying Crawley got up as they've just spent their way to success, at least that cock Evans isn't manager anymore. Can't see them being able to stay up in L1.

    3. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins

      Drink your milk and grow up to be just like Ian Rush. A dirty old man with a YMCA tash.

  6. it was a bit surreal at the office today with Sky News on the plasma, at the advert break I'm then presented with Cheyenne being spoon fed by an LB!

    1. jcs


      when it came on i nearly blurted out that i know some of these ladyboys/men... so i just smiled to myself..

    2. cheyenne


      I wish I could see it!! Annie keeps asking, 'When they send to us'????

    3. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      bloody heel cheyenne-havent you seen it yet?Ive seen it -tell annie she's a STAR,you too big lad....the bogart and bacall of the LBworld-555

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  7. right, I'm home at last.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jcs


      You have some serious shit to sort out mate

    3. Bax


      Seriously? What's there to "sort out"..?? I'm not saying this forum is doomed, but with the guys that have already walked, it will never be like it was.. And I'm sure once this "status update" disappears, some other asshole will post something just to keep it going.. IT'S GETTING OLD!! Get over it!!

    4. deepthroat


      Thanks Bax. Yes, things are finally returning to normal, let's let it stay that way.

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  8. I am trying to have a good trip, trying to avoid all the handbags here for the time being as not really taken my mod hat to LOS with me!

    1. icebergjr.


      Relax, and have fun just make sure to post plenty of pics and those great vids! Cheers

    2. deepthroat


      Leave the mod hat in the closet with your alter ego. Things are ok on the home front, have a great trip!

  9. well, where has the last year gone??? A year ago this day I stumbled upon the scene and signed up for this forum.

    1. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      thanks, I am still a rookie but I'll keep trying. Finding this community has been great. never realised flying the other side of the world to chase after transexual prostitutes could be so much FUN!

    2. bluesman55


      Your stories and humour have provided a lot to the Forum; looking forward to more.

    3. icebergjr.


      Kendo, I have always enjoyed all your posts,even the ones about the GGs 5555, now that you are an "HNIC" 5555 I know that you'll be keeping things in proper order! Keep up the great work!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. not even had my April trip but just booked up fox Xmas/new Year :)

    1. garrydirty


      ahh been their done that...and still doing IT

    2. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      was about 970 with Emirates. Had been watching the prices for a few weeks so decided to lay my hat down now.

    3. Bax


      What are your dates in April Ken..? I'd like to buy you a beer or two..

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  11. I'm not sure whether the software is capable on that one, I've not used ustart before.
  12. the process has changed again since the tutorial was last updated these days you should just be able to copy and paste the link straight from YouTube and the forum will embed the video for you.
  13. nearly halfway through working 12 days on the bounce, will all be worth it for the Beer and LB tokens I hope!

    1. icebergjr.


      Make lots of extra money,Kendo as your April trip is right around the corner. Make sure and take care of the"old man" Dicko on his Bday 5555. Have fun and I know you'll tell us all about it.

    2. Dirty Duncs

      Dirty Duncs

      M8 have u got a trip report up yet for this trip

    3. Dirty Duncs

      Dirty Duncs

      M8 have u got a trip report up yet for this trip

  14. usually a bit grumpy about Valentines day but a few valentines messages from various LB's cheered me up a bit, even if they were probably copied and pasted!

    1. Bax


      I got 2 messages.. It made my day!

    2. icebergjr.


      I got 1 message but it was nice all the same. Good for you, Kendo you lady killer you!

    3. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      lady killer? hardly. I think it was just a mass message that most guys probably got from these girls.

  15. the chatroom is telling me it's full....at 3 users!!! [#CSTART-6] The IP.Chat room limit has been reached. You will not be able to join the chat room until some users first leave.

  16. It's taken about 75 days to finish the report but I've finally bought it to a close: http://www.ladyboyspattaya.com/topic/11616-the-butterfly-effect/page__view__findpost__p__209789

    1. fogmaster


      Good work Kendo! Just in time for my day of forum catch up!

    2. Quietguy


      Well done! It will probably take me 75 days to read it!

  17. chopping channels last night I randomly watched "Hung" and it happened to have a TS character in this weeks episode. The actress was a TS called Jamie Clayton. Was quite a good show

    1. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      had me fooled as I thought it was a GG playing an LB but on checking (before Wiki blacked out!) I was pleasantly surprised

  18. Happy Xmas everyone!

    1. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      lol - thats kirk cobain! not me!

    2. McFly


      Kendo, you must be confusing Captain Kirk with Kurt Cobain? lol

    3. MrMercury


      Nice one kendo although I don't think it will replace the Queens Christmas speech. Thanks for sharing your pics and videos with us and have a great Xmas and 2012.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  19. made some edits to Part.9, had an SMS, Jen not happy. Hate to filter the report.

    1. icebergjr.


      Good for you Kendo on taking the Ladies opinion to heart, you my man are a true gentleman here on the forum!

    2. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      well not so much a case of taking it to heart. More a case of knowing that hell hath no fury!

    3. icebergjr.
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  20. About 70 photos and 3 vids for the next part of the TR. I think I need to crunch that down a bit!

    1. American Eagle

      American Eagle

      Hell I've seen a couple members do that in one posting, but then they were all photos from other websites. 555+

    2. snoop-dawg


      lol I can't wait for the next update. :]

    3. MrMercury


      Why??? Post them Kendo.

  21. back home. t'was a great trip!

    1. icebergjr.


      Get to writing that TR,although you could say the same to me LOL! So take your time buddy, judging from the Twitter pics it looks like you enjoyed yourself to the fullest!

    2. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      just downloaded all the pics from the Cameraphone and the SD cards - 1400 altogether. wow

  22. a good nights solo hunting in Udon, went to a big club similar to Sanook in Patong. Kept sniffing round before I found a group of 3 (or they grabbed me first!) Took this one, Oly. She was great in the room. http://twitpic.com/7cud2z

  23. was having a quiet beer in Udon when I randomly bumped into Asshound69, ended up going a hunting. It was slim pickings but we found companions in the end http://twitpic.com/7cgxxs

    1. icebergjr.


      Good for you,you lucky bastards!5555

      Have fun, but I know you will!!LOL

    2. Solice


      No problem with the hound, he will fuck anything with a pulse :)

    3. jcs


      The pair of them look fucking grim!!! Just right for the hound then!!

  24. what a legend sgc is, had a few beers with him in W/S last night and he only ended up taking Emma herself! 2500b all in. She was ok with us, not too on her high horse (or stool)

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