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Status Updates posted by Solice

  1. On monday when the bars are closed the Sensation girls and a load of beer etc will be going to jomtien beach to play vollyball and generally have a good laugh, will be leaving sensations approx 8pm, anybody is welcome to join us.

    1. snoop-dawg


      Even those people banned from Sensations for beating you at pool? ;]

    2. Solice


      Everyone is beating me at the moment Snoop, completely lost my mojo :(

    3. Vasilli


      I can witness that as I saw Suzie beat you hands down one night . Give it a break for a while buddy and you should be back to your best . Cheers wish I was still there buddy .

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  2. Ove been to the gym, had a nice hot shower, just picked up a bottle of home brew from a neighbour, Ive got a few spliffs rolled up for the X Box tournament with the lads, after which i'll muck about online with some gambling sites then its a nice blow job before bed. I fekin love prison.

    1. garrydirty


      never had them luxuries when i was in Wandsworth lol

    2. Solice


      You should try 6 months in Durham Garry, its all going on in there lol

    3. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      anyone moved into Raoul Moat's cell yet....?

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  3. Paengs Birthday party this Friday, 21st, everybody welcome.

    1. Bart Fitz Monty III

      Bart Fitz Monty III

      Give the good lady my best wishes, sorry can't be there but thoughts are.

    2. jcs


      Re arrange it for end of Feb Please..

    3. fenton


      HBD Paeng :)


  4. Palms birthday party this Saturday (9th) everybody welcome

    1. jcs


      should be a good bash!!

    2. garrydirty


      have a nice night

    3. SBK


      I'm gonna miss both Palm and Paengs party! Solice, your boat trip had best be epic!

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  5. Ploys birthday party tomorrow night (19th) at Sensations, everybody welcome.

    1. bighairy


      At Hong Kong airport and on my way - see you tonight!

  6. Roll on next Saturday, im horny as a dog with 5 dicks, going to spend the first hour just licking her

    1. Solice


      iceberg it doesnt take long for the creamy centre to cum out, shes not a stayer lol

    2. garrydirty


      go on mate lick her all over hope i see u both around when i get to Patts on the 22nd

    3. Solice


      yep hope we catch up for a beer Gary, I spend a lot of time at Pooks swan now so im sure we will meet up

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  7. Sat outside Starbucks on beach road watching the world go by while waiting for the little lady to get out of the monkey house!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spar10


      Heard she just got out. So no need for a free Paeng thread :D

      BiB are no fun.

    3. jcs


      I am just glad Starbucks soi 13/1 has reopened again!! lol

    4. Lunaris


      hope is all is sorted out and it was only a short stay at soi9 poilce station

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  8. She had a pussy like a stab wound in a gorilla's back

    1. Turk182


      lol, I like she had a pussy like a festering axe wound :)

    2. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      what about...a face like a bulldog lickin piss off a thistle......okok,ill get me coat!

    3. bkkldby


      she has a face like a goalie on a darts team.


      she had a pussy like the lid on a garbage can.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  9. Shes doing 15 hour days, up at 4am and finishes at 7pm, who said Thais were lazy?

    1. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      its beauty sleep she's having robi !

    2. Robi_slo


      Nope... I talked with her few minutes ago... her mama had birthday and she got so drunk she slept for 15 hours... My girl... :D

    3. Ashoka


      Well medically speaking, the ones among us that sleep the most tend to have the best body metabolism. I only sleep 5 hours a day *grumble*

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  10. Shes free!!!! but only until January, ive locked this to stop stupid comments. If your interested then pm me.

  11. Shes free!!!! but only until January

  12. Shes gone home to open a business with her mum, best of luck to her, I hope they do well

    1. Solice


      we'll see how she gets on Robi, it may only be for a couple of months

    2. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      thats a brave step for her solice,leaving her friends etc,it will seem boring to her after pattaya,will she be able to stay in touch the same as when she's in pattaya?

    3. Solice


      Yes she will, she says time goes quicker for her at home but its not a permanent thing because I need her at the bar

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  13. Shes lost it! she just got the rest of my name tattoed down her back, it was for my birthday which isnt until the end of the year!! bless her she means well

    1. Ashoka


      Property of Solice! Is that what it says?

    2. Solice


      LOL, something like that Ash, I think she got it to cover over the price list tattoo she had done years ago 555
    3. garrydirty


      not sure what i think on that one mate.. my ego would like it..But i would be scared if i wanted to finish with her... but like you say she means well, and its a token of LOVE

  14. Soft drinks only tonight, everybody is recovering from a good night out. Good turnout and great to see some old faces

  15. solice your like my idol!

  16. starting to get a little bit excited

    1. jcs


      You're getting excited!!! It's been 8 months for me and i still have to wait for 22 more days....I am like a kid waiting for Disneyland.5555

    2. Solice


      555 its unusual for me because I normally dont start to get excited until the secong leg of my flight.

    3. jcs


      Best feeling is when you land in LOS and you are comingin the taxi and see the pattaya signs looking large!!!!

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  17. The dishwashers Birthday celebrations this Saturday at Sensations.

  18. The local shop has run out of milk due to the bad weather, thankfully my 92 year old neighbour has loads of it piled up at her front door

    1. bkkldby


      ROFL you sick dude.

  19. The olympic sailing results are in - Britain has taken Gold, the USA have taken Silver and Somalia have taken a middle aged couple from Weymouth

    1. Spar10


      After throwing eight badminton players out of the Olympics for not trying, the IOC have been accused of double standards after allowing the entire Australian team to stay.

    2. MrMercury


      Ha ha, FAF all of them.... you all swallowed joke books tonight??

    3. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle


    4. Show next comments  12 more
  20. There are now at least 8 names down for the bar crawl on Friday night. Everybody welcome, leaving sensations at 9 pm

    1. SBK


      My ear will be ready!

    2. silentmoebius78


      Wish I could be there.. But am touching down next week and hope to drop in Sensations then..

    3. dicko


      Bugger, miss by a day. The Perverts Crawl will undoubtedly wander through there on Sunday and get stuck there. I will pop in on Saturday as well for sure.

  21. Think I will have to change my little picture, Im getting 'hit on' by pm

    1. Turk182


      Yeh, defo too many inbetweeners here lol


    2. Solice


      iceberg, im yours for 1/2 a beer, im just a cheap slut lol

    3. icebergjr.


      You got it as long as it's an Archer or a Cheers as I can be a "cheap charlie" LOL

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  22. Thinking of starting a thread about what Thai girls say and what they really mean, based on a bit of humour, anybody know if its already been done?

    1. American Eagle
    2. Solice


      Cheers guys, I will get my head on it this week and start it off

    3. LWFM


      Veerrryyy interesting

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  23. To all you Emma fans, saw her last night in hot tuna and shes a fatty who I wouldnt give the time of day

    1. Twoshots


      Why she still work street? Must have had enough offers of sponsors with big cash, marriage etc by now ? Maybe too famous.

    2. Backdoor Specialist

      Backdoor Specialist

      1 to many pig roasts I reckon..

    3. david1977


      she always was fat!

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  24. To the Dutch guy who gave Bow from Nong bar his password so she could access the forum, at what point did you think that it was a fuckin good idea?

    1. dannymurray


      Solice !

      Stop being so pompous.

      This Dutch guy probably did not realise what a fuss his stupid action would cause.

      Bow is spiteful, and not a fool. She probably had a reason to want to look into the Forum.

      Also I would think that there are ways to prevent this Dutch person from Accessing the Forum again.

      Also , could it not be possible for Bow to join the Forum in her own right.


    2. Solice


      Pompous !!! Are you having a fukin laugh, if he didn't know what it would cause then he's a fukin knob and anyone who has been burnt by these cunts knows that it's a stupid thing to do, if you think that it's ok and we should forgive then you need to have a good think about being a member here

    3. Solice


      I know bow very well and yes you have to watch her but don't try to give your view on only part of a story, there was much more about how she came to be on the forum and why, and the guy was also telling her who certain people were on the forum!!! Still I guess I'm fukin pompous!! Jesus I give up with some of you idiots

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  25. Tongs Birthday party at Sensations Wednesday 27th January.

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