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Terry Tibbs

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Everything posted by Terry Tibbs

  1. So... The HIV subject is almost done... What's next I wonder?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Terry Tibbs

      Terry Tibbs

      Kendo... I'm not gay, my ladyboy girlfriend is!


      Mp85... I get it for free!


      Bricktop... Not me!


      Slacker... 500 baht seems reasonable, about the same as a taxi at home.


      Bax... As it's you, okay!



    3. Bax
    4. Ghost Of Steptoe

      Ghost Of Steptoe

      Is Solice Gay ? Lol

  2. Genuinely can't believe after all the shit they are back together!!

  3. The mrs announced she is leaving me because I have bought too many penis extension kits... She said she can't take it any longer.

    1. Jimmy_Lovepants


      Did I laugh, Terry? I shat meself!



      There are no limits for perection!

  4. Have a play with the settings on the left side after you have clicked VNC. Working for me.
  5. Back to work today... Getting up early this morning was hard!

    1. sir d

      sir d

      You actually have a proper job?? Thanks for this forum and Happy New Year!

    2. Terry Tibbs

      Terry Tibbs

      Yes... Gotta pay the bills! Thanks for sticking around and same to you!

  6. Merry Christmas all!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Terry Tibbs

      Terry Tibbs

      So much food yesterday! Off to the zoo today... Hope your all happy with your presents!

    3. Up2You


      Same to you TT

    4. Solice


      know what you mean about the food TT, I ate that much last night I was sick in my sleep, which woke me up. My own fault I really was a pig yesterday

  7. Oral sex makes your day... Anal sex makes your hole weak.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Terry Tibbs

      Terry Tibbs

      Oldest are the best eh!

    3. Justin Sane
    4. American Eagle

      American Eagle

      having the hersey squirts lately are you? 555+

  8. No... why would we delete pictures? might help if you provide some links.
    1. McFly


      TT, You must be either A) totally bored or B) have too much time on your hands or C) be in to pyrotechnics.

    2. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      youre a potential suicide bomber TT....you need help-555

  9. We currently have a 5 user licence because when I bought a 20 user licence hardly anyone used it. I'll look at upgrading it again.
  10. It's going to be a good weekend...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Terry Tibbs

      Terry Tibbs

      Ha ha... might be even better than that! So happy your on my wavelength though!

    3. Terry Tibbs

      Terry Tibbs

      I just called the rape helpline... they said its only for victims though.

    4. Terry Tibbs

      Terry Tibbs

      Go have a cheeky wank in the toilets... you know you want to.

  11. Had no water to the house for the last 4 hours, can see the burst pipe from the kitchen window.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. garrydirty


      well you better climb out the window and fix it then lol

    3. terry


      shet i have 10 missed calls,and i cannot find passport,every job counts,lol


    4. Terry Tibbs

      Terry Tibbs

      Water restored! Cheers boys...

  12. Your training begins tomorrow at the crack of noon!

    1. Solice


      mmm Noons crack, sounds interesting mr tibbs

  13. For a while now Invision has been promising us a better search function. Last year the search system was completely overhauled but it is still hit and miss when it comes to providing accurate search results. We have decided to integrate Google into our search system so users can choose between using the forums native search engine or results that are indexed by Google. Obviously, using the Google site search option won't return results from the Advanced forums. I know some of you will be pleased to hear that you can also use this option for search two/three letter words!
  14. So it's flooding in Pattaya... Good luck to all our BM's and BM's girlfriends there!

  15. Arrived home today, sorry if I have taken a while to reply to your PM's. I am working through them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darkside Apprentice

      Darkside Apprentice

      welcome home, looking forward to the TR.

    3. American Eagle

      American Eagle

      welcome home, and take your time on the PMs


    4. Rinzler


      Welcome back.

      Let me guess, your trip was way too short. Ha ha

      Hope you had a good time and I'm looking forward to the TR

  16. Pouring down in Pattaya

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Quietguy


      Come back to London TT, it's sunny here - but you wouldn't have the ladyboys!

    3. icebergjr.


      Bax, I feel for you as Irene didn't hit coatal SC just a little rain last night,stay safe.

    4. eldiablo


      It hasnt rained this hard since i was in LOS :) more fun in the rain there 4 sure.

  17. That was intense...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Terry Tibbs

      Terry Tibbs

      I got boned.... That's what was intense! Yes, April suites is excellent. Rooms are not huge but for the money they are spot on!

    3. American Eagle

      American Eagle

      TT finally you decided to get topped? Intense but did you like it?

    4. Terry Tibbs

      Terry Tibbs

      Fucking loved it mate... She was really hot as well!

  18. Love the username!

  19. Happy birthday mate!

  20. Happy birthday fella!

  21. Can't get the energy to pack!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. blake7


      I've just got back to Oz after 4 weeks in the UK Terry. I didn't have the engery to unpack and left my cases full for a quick getaway. Only thing I enjoyed was horse racing - the reason I went and won I might add. The girls look good then they open their mouths and it's Scouse or Brummie or Geordie and it puts you off.

    3. icebergjr.


      Hell, I packed my case last night and I don't leave for 33 days but I'm so anxious it made my night LOL.Have fun buddy but I know you will LOL.

    4. Solice


      Already Ice!!! ha ha good on you mate, I always pack a couple of hours before I leave.

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